Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Missional vs Attractional Language

Is it really all just semantics?

Attractional Church:

Mindset: We own the turf, we would love to have you on our terms. Come on is and check it out, we have great programs for you. We are a welcoming church concerned about the needs of every person who walks in that door. We have to present a good image before others so that His light will be made known. We are a city on a hill.

1. You really should go to church.
2. Will you come to this church event with us?
3. We have good programs at church for people struggling with drugs.
4. Did you know Jesus loves you?
5. Let me tell you about Christ.
6. Prayer: God help my friends in need want to come to church.
7. We need to have more events or services for people in our church.
8. Our church is the missionfield.

Missional Church:

Mindset: We are the aliens in our land, and we will come to them on thier terms so long as we can honor God in it. Go out into the world and be involved in the community in real and natural ways. You and your faithfulness to God is the program, and we will do all we can to help you in your growth. We are concerned with every one that will one day walk through God's kingdom doors. Our image will be of normal people in the normal process of God's sanctification. We are but lights in a city.

1. Can we hang out on Saturday.
2. Would you like to come over dinner tomorrow night?
3. Can I pray for your son who is struggling with drugs right now.
4. Did you guys know that me and my wife really love you guys, you are good friends.
5. I wasn't pressuring you about knowing Christ cause I hoped you would just see him in my life.
6. God help my church go out to my friends who are in need.
7. We need to go out and meet the needs in our community.
8. Our mission field is the neighborhood.


Blogger Sojourner said...

Lord we ask for more churches across the world who have a missional view...your desire is a relationship with your creation, help us to teach this to the world through developing relationships with them, loving them where they are, and drawing them nigh.

11:11 AM  

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